Saturday, October 13, 2012

Assigning unique name to themes and skins in WebSphere Portal

Assigning unique name to themes and skins in WebSphere Portal
This article will explain how we can assign unique names to themes and skin in WebSphere Portal 7.x.

Assigning unique name to themes:

Below steps will explain how we can assign unique name to the themes.
1.      Install themes on WebSphere Portal through admin console using Theme and Skins portlet
2.      Export full  WebSphere Portal using xmlaccess. For this you can see my below blog.
3.      Then find the theme to which you want to assign unique name and copied into a different xml like this.
<request xmlns:xsi="" build="wp7002CF16_001_14" type="update" version="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_7.0.0_2.xsd">
  <portal action="locate">
            <theme action="update" active="true" default="false" defaultskinref="K_BFAV34331OJJC0IGDRU9JM2051" domain="rel" objectid="J_BFAV34331OJJC0IGDRU9JM2053" resourceroot="MyThemeName"
           <localedata locale="en">
      <allowed-skin skin="K_NO2UF4I1186E1026H4BLVI00E5" update="set"/>
      <allowed-skin skin="K_KJ2SLD231GJG10IKG6K6NM2000" update="set"/>
      <allowed-skin skin="K_KJ2SLD231OJH60ISR6CS3O3000" update="set"/>
      <allowed-skin skin="K_BFAV34331OJJC0IGDRU9JM2051" update="set"/>
      <allowed-skin skin="K_BFAV34331OJJC0IGDRU9JM2055" update="set"/>
4.      Like this you can add unique names to all themes in this single file itself.
 5.      Import this xmlaccess script into the portal.

For Windows
            ./xmlaccess.bat  -in  Theme.xml -user wpsportalUserName -password password –url  http://hostName:portName/wps/config -out ThemeExportOut.xml

For Linux

./  -in  Theme.xml -user wpsportalUserName -password password –url  http://hostName:portName/wps/config -out ThemeExportOut.xml

Assigning unique name to Skins:

 Below steps will explain how we can assign unique name to the skins.
1.      Install skins on WebSphere Portal through admin console using Theme and Skins portlet
2.      Export full  WebSphere Portal using xmlaccess. For this you can see my below blog.
3.      Then find the theme to which you want to assign unique name and copied into a different xml like this.
<request xmlns:xsi="" build="wp7002CF16_001_14" type="update" version="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_7.0.0_2.xsd">
  <portal action="locate">
            <skin action="update" active="true" default="false" domain="rel" objectid="K_BFAV34331OJJC0IGDRU9JM2051" resourceroot=" MySkinName" type="default" uniquename="">
            <localedata locale="en">
                <title> MySkinName </title>
4.      Like this you can add unique names to all skins in this single file itself. 
5.       Import this xmlaccess script into the portal.

For Windows
            ./xmlaccess.bat  -in  Skin.xml -user wpsportalUserName -password password –url  http://hostName:portName/wps/config -out SkinExportOut.xml

For Linux

./  -in  Skin.xml -user wpsportalUserName -password password –url  http://hostName:portName/wps/config -out SkinExportOut.xml

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