Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Creating Dojo 1.7.2 Custom Build

Dojo's build system provides a way to "build" Dojo and your other JavaScript resources and CSS files, so they can be more efficiently used in a production environment by your applications.
Many UI and dojo and UI developers face so many issues during creating the dojo custom build. 

You need the following installed on your computer to run Dojo’s build system:
 Java 1.4.2 or later (Java 1.5 recommended).
A source build of Dojo, which you can obtain at http://download.dojotoolkit.org/

Below are the steps to create the dojo 1.7.2 custom build.
1)      Create “dojo-customBuild” folder in <dojo src folder>\util\buildscripts\profiles
2)      Create a new profile name as “myprofile.profile.js” and put this file  under “dojo-customBuild” folder which we have created in step 1.
3)      Profile name is “myprofile.profile.js”. Put below entries in this file.
var profile = {

                layerOptimize: "shrinksafe.keepLines",
                hasReport: true,

                                {name: "dojo",location: "./dojo"},
                                {name: "dijit",location: "./dijit"},
                                {name: "dojox",location: "./dojox"}       
                layers: {
                                'dojo/dojo': {
                                                include: [ "dojo/dojo", "dojo/main", "dojo/i18n", "dojo/selector/acme", "dojo/fx/Toggler", "dijit/form/DropDownButton", "dijit/form/ComboButton", "dijit/PopupMenuItem", "dijit/MenuSeparator", "dijit/TooltipDialog", "dojo/dnd/AutoSource", "dojo/dnd/Target"],

4)      Create “mydojo.js”  file and store this file inside in <dojo src folder>\dojo folder .  This is a layer file for dojo custom build as per project structure.
5)      Run build.bat --profile ./myprofile –release command from  <dojo src folder>\util\buildscripts location.

6)      Custom build would be created inside <dojo src folder>\ dojoRelease

7)      The dojoRelease folder will contain dojo 1.7.2 custom build.

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