Saturday, October 13, 2012

How to generate a complete XMLAccess export of a Portal configuration

How to generate a complete XMLAccess export of a Portal configuration

To generate a full export of your Portal's configuration, please perform below steps.

  1.  Copy the file <Portal_home>/doc/xml-samples/Export.xml to <Portal_home>/bin  
  2.  Open a terminal or command window and go to <Portal_home>/bin
  3. Execute the script, <Appserver_home>/bin/setupCmdLine in the current window (setupCmdLine sets certain environment variables in the current window such as JAVA_HOME)
  4. From the directory <Portal_home>/bin, run the following xmlaccess command all on one line:
For Windows
            ./xmlaccess.bat  -in  Export.xml -user wpsportalUserName -password password –url  http://hostName:portName/wps/config -out ExportOut.xml

For Linux

                       ./  -in  Export.xml -user wpsportalUserName -password password –url  http://hostName:portName/wps/config -out ExportOut.xml
6.  The ExportOut.xml will contain full export of WebSphere Portal.

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